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Do not burn the Earth!

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0107 6ff81      The significance of the Earth on which we live, each imagines. How can you burn that which gives us life?
This topic can not but excite, amaze and leave a trace in the hearts of the pupils of our Lyceum.
In the last lesson of the English language in the 8th class the children got acquainted with the beauty and strength of the Earth on which we live, which seems incredibly valuable. Alika Poryadina did not confine herself to a thorough analysis of how people use the riches of the land, she decided to join the whole class in a discussion, which she did brilliantly: the English students of 8D became spectators and participants of the most real student performance, during which Alikа not only designated Problems of ignition of dry grass, but also destruction of the fertile layer of the Earth, as well as all living things during a fire.
During her wonderful speech, Alika the teacher demonstrated the makings of an excellent rhetorician, the ability to feel, hear and interact with the audience.

  Teacher of English language 8D class Kropian K.R.

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